general art
sorted by whatever, and also by who they are. I think it goes new -> oldest and then NEWEST, which. uh. I don't know what to tell you.

These two are my current playthings (haha) and this was actually the first time I had ever drawn Dewey. Mila I had draw quite a bit beforehand, and I felt like she needed a partner in crime. They're kind of mercinaries, but are a pretty jumbled duo. I was torn between going for a super weird route with them or a comedic one, but I'm happy I went mostly comedy.

More silly stuff from these two. I like to have Mila abide by cartoon rules, while having Dewey on hardmode. I thinkMila understands this, and works with it, while Dewey is kind of left to her own devices. She's got a weird perspective on the world.

This character I actually came up with probably in middle school. I came up with a concept of the story around her, and well, I dont wanna spoil anything in case I go through with it, but I think I might get some use out of her again. It's a good thing I don't often forget my OCs! (at least their concepts, names are a whole different ballgame hahaha)

I love these two. I've had em for a couple years now and they spawned after I watched all of hyper police. They're a odd-duo who work at a terrible resturaunt and do gun-filled gigs on the side. The mousier ones name is Amble and the one with the moles on her face is Barley. I literally named them after reffering to them as A and B. teehee. This gif was really fun to make, I had fun doing the moving city, cheating with the tunnel, and doing the lighting.

a little comic of the two. I jus really like to have them hanging out.

Ohhhh these guys are my current faves to just doodle hehehehehe. They're a couple of recently-graduated 20-somethings who are taveling in a tank. Theres more to it than that but I'll get to that later. I wanna make a good hunky comic with them sometime sooooo bad but it would have to be so long, and it's just me so that would be too much work for me now. Anyway they drive my faveorite tank, the Swedish Landsverk L-60, a pretty early but extremely powerful tank (for it's time. imo.)

The tank guys in their college days! thats all I considered while drawing this, other than trying to figure out their personal like. ways of holding themselves. It's cropped poorly because I drew all of this while playing minecraft with my friends and they are just doodles haha

This is a collective OC of me and my buddies, E-Catherine. We play her in Fallout 4 shes a train-e-girl looking for viewers and simps in the wasteland. She's hydropowered.

The tank crew! I was recently doing all my finals (and late work) up until the last hour and during a stress break I did this little thing. I like to draw them in snow... it just feels right.

More tank guys. I'm the type to always gear up characters for a bigger concept, and so I keep details I talk about to a minimum, but I'm realizing I might as well actually share stuff about em. I'm going to do a little writeup on em in just a bit, so look forwards to that I guess.

doodle sheet! I do all of these on like one layer of a canvas and it has like a million layers currently, i should figure out a way to compile them all for viewing.

I just think they are so funny.
Some fun doodles I liked

Sprite art of a T-55 tank! And my Doggirl. yaaay!!! based off my model I made of the T-55!!!!!

Said Doggirl. I like her so much... I think she's a kind of fun loving daredevil, who likes to get up in your face... Very fun.

Playing around with reduced pallets, very fun stuff using like 4 colours. would recc

Some misc tradart I've been doing. I drew a lot more traditionally lately.

The ophidiid genus Porogadus occurs between 800 and 5300 m in the tropical and subtropical world oceans. Fifteen nominal species have been described since 1878 and most of them until 1902. The genus has been highlighted as needing revision in recent compilations about ophidiiforms and here we present the first comprehensive review. Twelve of the previously described species are here accepted as valid with two being moved to the newly established genus Tenuicephalus n. gen. that encompasses fishes differing from those of Porogadus in the extremely weak ossification, the stout head, absence of head spines and absence of the “triple” lateral line system considered typical for Porogadus and a reduced dentition. In addition, eight new species are described: Porogadus caboverdensis, P. dracocephalus, P. lacrimatus, P. mendax, P. solomonensis, P. turgidus, Tenuicephalus multitrabs and T. squamilabrus.
-Revision of the ‘dragon-head’ cusk eels of the genus Porogadus (Teleostei: Ophidiidae), with description of eight new species and one new genus
Another girlie I've been playing with hehe. Shes a fossa girl ^-^