Disc One
This video was my first in my Boys over Flowers videos, and it was quite ambitious, if I do say so myself.
In the first disc, Tsukushi (our protagonist) has found herself at a private school for the rich and the spoiled. She's the daughter of a couple of nobodies, and she attracts the ire of the most rich and spoiled boys there is at he school. Well, that's just the regular plot, where I've managed to wrangle it is the sheer amount of women she seems to have strife with in a way that can only be called 'deeply homosexual'.
Okay, but for real, how I feel. I think that it's fun to explore how Tsukushis female friendships are just so natural for her, and how much good they do for her. Even though they go to different schools now, Yuki still remains her confidant. Despite Tsukushi being targeted by the F4, Makiko still seeks her out. Even Shizuka, techincally seen as a rival, takes care of Tsukushi and they leave on good terms. I love that, both as a yuri fan, and as someone who really likes Tsukushi and wants to see her have good relationships. I understand the anime does a lot of heavy lisfting on this front that the manga did not (shout out to Makiko for getting a bigger role) but hey, its fun.
"Now as a himedanshi," I say as you all come to an understanding of what I'm so say before I even have thought it myself, "It's The Real Good Shit." How much she focuses on Shizuka in her jealousy, just enough to make you question who she's actually jealous of, the way the shots are framed with Makikio, the gentle flavour of a friend from middle school you still seek out closely, all things that are just perfectly matured enough to have a delicate taste but still has some body to it.
I'm very much partial to the fleeting crush on a older girl and Shizuka delivers it so strongly. The way she always goes out of her way to support the awkward Tsukushi is so good... And Tsukushi knows the only one in her heart is the boy they both know... But still giving her kindness. In the end she still leaves to go back to france but she gives Tsukushi her own moment to reconcile together.
For Yuki its very much a tale as old as time. She is separate from the drama and horrors of school and she's a safe place to ask for comfort. Augh, what else can I say. I love that she appears for so long. She Will be back in another video.
Makiko. Makiko I love you. Upgraded in the anime from her one off appearance, she's become like a gentle wave of yuri lapping at the series. She supports Tsukushi at school through all the violence and harrassment, she's always there for her, even when Tsukushidoesn't realize it. Makiko is forced to watch it all happen to Tsukushi, and for that she goes unrewarded. Such is the life of someone in love with Tsukushi Makino.
Song choice this time was just an old fave, I love the song and it was just the right amount of upbeat and yet longing that I wanted. No real notes lol.
For the video itself, I had very little video footage compiled and making it all work to a song while retaining a narrative was super fun. When I make these I need to keep a narrative, both for those who hadn't seent the series trying to understand and also because I love making a good show of it all haha. It was for sure kind of an awkward video but I got to pull from a lot of my favorite shots from the disc. I think I got to use the visual transitions super well, like the shot from the classroom doors closing and the closet door opening at around a minute in. And The amount that hands were focused on... That's real good for expressing... it was great.
Disc Two
Holy narrative Batman
Okay, apologies for that one. This video was So Fun to make and unlike last time I have kind of only one girl going on. Thats right it's Sakurako time.
So for people who haven't seen the show, Sakurako is a girl who comes to Tsukushi after she helps fend off some producer off and she tells her she's afraid of men and wants some help. This is actually a ploy to get close to the Main Boy Tsukasa who she knew as a child. She is a kind of a two-faced individual, one that plays with Tsukushi and eventually leaks photos of Tsukushi and another guy to trash her reputation. The whole school goes after Tsukushi becuase of this (this is normal in this series lol) and eventually Tsukasa turns down Sakurakos advances and she's left with nothing. She ends up hanging around in the background of the series for a while causing mischief but ultimately becomes one of Tsukushis friends.
She's like a gift from the yuri gods. She wants everything Tsukushi has, she's willing to do anything to get it and yet when it's all over she realizes her relationship with Tsukushi was not worth losing. I barely had to work to edit, it just all came together. Ok, what I just said is a complete lie, this is literally the most anyones ever done to make misleading yuri propaganda. But you get it right.
I love the taste of a plan failing but in a way she didnt expect. And now it'll never be what she wanted. Tsukushi still cared about her, she still believed in her, despite eveythig but that only lead her further into the trap.
As you know my feelings on Makikio, I had to include some of her moments. She's still there in this arc, and she gets so much to do but so little to act on. So tasty. I tried but I think I kind of missed making her into someone who could only watch, but knew how it was going, and I think when I make her video I'll really lean into that angle. Good side of that: I have a lot of really good shots I didn't use that will be so easy to make tasty for that one.
Making this one I had the opposite problem of the last. I had Too Much footage and story, and just simply not enought time. I cycled through 3 different songs before settling on this one. I almost did a two girlie video, as Tsukasas sister first appears at the end of this disc, but that would have been too much just for one video, and frankly she would have distracted too much. The ending shots just slid into place, I did edit in different flashbacks (as I didn't use the scenes they referenced) with Very Indulgent ones which was fun. I liked the transition from Tsukushis sinking feelings shot to the window (just from an editors perspective) but I think my best transition was the one into violence. Just fast enough to make you feel as shocked as Tsukushi.
Music choice this time was supplied by my friend Sydney, All Come True by World Party, and I think it hits just perfect. Upbeat enough to carry the fun opening bits and the club, but it has the theme of regret. Great stuff. Songs I almost used: Whilst the Flowers Look by the Orielles, and Undergrowth by Squid. Orielles was great and worked but wasn't really long enough? And Undergrowth was great for mood but it was in the end a little too heavy.
Disc Four
Okay, so. Shigeru. A girlie introduced to the series as the girl Tsukasas mother engages him to in order to break apart Tsukushi and him. Yayayayay! She's fun. While she understands the other two are in love with each other, she sets out to mix it up a little... She does care for both of them, and is kinda in love with Tsukasa, but by the end she's playfully given up.

Now, for this video I had cut all the scenes I thought useable into 11 channels (one per episode I pulled from) and I had scrubbed through it and thought reaaaally hard about it. But nothing was clicking. so fast forward a few months and I was listening to the (relatively) new orielles album for the first time and was jamming when I was struck. Lime Garden. I want to be you. Boys over Flowers. AMV TIME! and then I completed the whole video probably in about 5 hours over two days. woof!
What I was going for in this one was a little less hardcore than the other two. I think in this one Tsukushi is still primarily interested in Tsukasa, and she doesn't really. Change at all from that. She's jealous. and thats fun.
"Well why did you call it a yuri AMV then idiot... and you've CLEARLY set her up to be in love with Shigeru. What the hell. OKAY i have a little... but this one I wanted to lay out how she wants to be everything Shigeru is... and how she can still get along with her... in their complex little. relationship.

While in the first half I tired to go full in with Tsukushi comparing herself and fueding with Tsukasa, by the bridge of the song she's clearly just self destructing, and is a little miserable... She could've been close with Shigeru, but why would she? She's very similar to Sakurako in the last video. And isn't that compelling.....
After the bridge I tried to switch up the POV. Suddenly the eyes looking upon the creature of want is Shigerus... The camera is on Tsukushi on the 'I wish I was pretty.' The touch your skin in the dark is initiated by Shigeru. Every other chorus can suddenly be seen from her perspective. She's the true voice of the longing.

It's a little murkier than my last one, and might be less of a hit with other hardcore yuri fans, but I liked making this video a lot. I actually am a huge sucker for this kind of high level subtext in the background of shoujo series, and why I like HYD in the first place. IDK if my next one will be this. indirect. but I'll see what the people think. whatever, prolly not I have no choice in how these turn out they just happen lolololol