Charcter Bios
Tank guys
Just to start out, currently they don't have names yet, so I will refer to them as their positions in the tank.
Their whole concept is a kind of dialogue of outcasts with their relationship with being social creatures, of course communicated with their attachment to the tank.
I like to have them begrudgingly working together to form a sort of comradery, but its nice if they clash a lot too so. who knows.
here's some stuff about them individually, along with what I kind of intend for them:

The driver is the owner of the tank and probably the most outwardly eccentric. She has no interest in any sort of human relations and craves them over the wills of the flesh.
She obviously represents a total devotion to the machine, but in a way that honors it as its own being, and not as a true god or anything. The driver has a lack of ego as well, using the self as a way to interact with the tank and not pursuing anything more.
The commander spot is also the radio operator in the L-60, and that's the exact reason she signed up. The commander is the drivers college buddy, and is only here because the driver let her install her own radio equipment.
At first she seems the most socially adept, but she quickly gets bored of normal discussion. She's kind of similar to a lot of people in a way, as she has a lot of long distance radio friends reporting in that she buisies herself with. They mostly talk about astronomy, weather patterns, and other such things. She's kind of about the love of communication, but the need to distance yourself, and the inability to be truly close to another.
I want to flesh her out a lot more, but I'd have to look into long range radio stuff and I haven't the time yet..... ack.
The gunner is someone the driver originally found to help repair the L-60, and is a decent on the spot mechanic, which is needed for a tank.
She has an aggressive personality and is usually a little comabtive, but she works with the other two if she has to. She love working with machines, and loves how precise they are, and this suits her perfectly as the gunner really. She's kind of the opposite of the driver as she desires to have the same perfection that machines can have, to be able to understand herself and others in the same way as machines.
So that's them. I want to have them just driving onwards, like it starts in winter and ends in fall and it's just them isolated from everyone, every so often coming across hazards and communities. I would like it to be between like. Our Lives After the Apocalypse by Fuminonagi or Beank & Rosa by Imitation Crystal.... I don't hav ethose kind of chops but ehhh, I can dream.
It would'nt be set in our world either, just some vague endless feeling land mass, probably of mostly tundra and forested areas, as I'm most used to those myself and I think I'd want to draw a tank in those all the time haha.
Henchman Duo
Dewey and Mila came out of a continued want to do an action comedy series. I really like those.... They aren't too complex of characters, but I think they should be used to do cool stuff lol.
Dewey needs to be thrown around like a dog toy though. It's more fun the more you whirl her around. Mila should not be used as the straight man, but instead as a backup, even funnier character.